Thank you Newbies for viewing this Topic
Lesson 1: In-Game Rules
1.No KillSteal.- beaten player,looting its dropped item
No Scamming.-scamming a player well receive a reward: BANNED
3.Respect All of the members of Ran Black Hole.
-to earn your respect from Them
Harassing- Cursing, Saying bad words, Killing Newbies, and doing something bad and malicious are strictly prohibited.
5.Spamming by PM,Shouting In Server
[IS PROBIHITED]-if the player will spam... so the server will run slow...
Beggars- begging an item/gold from [none] will considered as Harassing
Advertising a Private Server- stealing players that [Emperor]'s work to get them... is not helpful....
8. Impersonators
[IS PROBIHITED]-impersonating names will be considered as Harassing
- Impersonating [none] Names,Admin Names,Scamming Names
1st offense - 5 days IP ban
2nd offense - 10 days IP ban
3rd offense - Permanent IP Ban