Superiol Emperor/Director of Oblivion Empire
[Director] LeonStrifeSuperior Emperor of the Oblivion Empirethey are to be the one who supported his/her subordinates to become a Server Owner, the subordinate who had to possessed this power from the Superior must prolong the name of the server/Empire which they can Honor their Ancestor.
Sponsor [
AceofSpadez ]
as of now, we have been noticed that Sir Ace would like to support/sponsor the Empire to prolong and to be improved for now...
ill have to use all funds onto the Server Specs
*Internet Speed
*PC Speed "RAM"
*[New Computer if needed to make it a Server Computer for 24/7 issues]
*To hire professional Developers
*or to buy Server Files [ well probably it should be expensive its 100k higher
well it should be impossible]
Emperor of The Holy Empire of Britannian Ran Online[Emperor]LelouchEmperor/Empressis a Ruler of every Monarchic Ran Online Universe
they are be the Commander of all tactics and strategies of the Game, they can edit every sector of every game, depending the intelligence of the game though.
Imperial Sovereign Rulers
[Princess]deadLyMercy // LaRa[/b]Absent Sovereign Rulers:
[Prince]Ariel ( maybe has left the Empire )
[ISR] Imperial Sovereign Rulers is an official Rulers of the Britannian Ran Online and they are to be in a Permanent Position they was appointed to a permanent position because of they're greatest achievements/goals they serve the server well with no betrayals and arguments with each other, one of them was a servitor from Empire of the Oblivion Ran Online so the Emperor/Empress should have 100% trust from them.
Knights of The Rounds[KOR]MarkSpyro
Absent Knights of The Rounds:
(KOR) is an official Name for
(GM) game master though we are Monarchic so they are only to be respected and called as KOR or [KOR] they can be only commanded no other than Emperor and the Imperial Sovereign Rulers.
Intelligence Communications Officers
[ICO]markoyroy = II = Ranking Officer
[ICO]-09- = II - Ranking Officer
[ICO] Yumeh = II Ranking Officer
Absent Intelligence Communication Officers
(ICO) Intelligence Communications Officers are to be (FM) probably this server is monarchic so they are to be respected as ICO or (ICO). (ICO) Officers are officers who handle every sectors of the community which they organize topics/threads and help Community Users compalints
Investigation Agency Officers
(IAO) Investigation Agency Officers are
only under command no other than Emperor. Their goals and missions is not revealed to anyone no other than the Emperor/Empress, neither the right and left hand of the Emperor/Empress must never know as well.
Research and Development Teams
(VIP) Very Important Persons
they are the most close to me,, whom to met me in Personal
*[Prince]Carl = not yet joined the Game
Texture/Photo Editing
The Holy Empire of Britannian Ran Online's Goal is to:
*Prolong the Name of the Oblivion Ran Empire
*Gain many players
*Make players to have benefits or to feel how to be powerful it is....
*High Ranking Leaders
-Imperial Sovereign Leaders
-Imperial Knights of The Rounds
-Imperial Research and Development
Position/Ranks are Permanent for High Ranking Leaders
*Lower Ranking Leaders
-Intelligence Communications Officers-Investigation Agency Officers
-Communications Agent [ Chatbox Moderators ]